I haven't written for a long time because I was obsessing over another project. I delivered a message at the New Song church women's retreat. It was emotionally DRAINING but truly an incredible experience. I was so nervous that I would bomb but the Holy Spirit took over just in time and I did pretty good!
So I weigh in a week from tomorrow and, no, I didn't reach my personal challenge goal. I know it's not over yet, but I'd need to starve myself for the next seven days to drop 14 pounds by next Thursday. This does not sound like a good time. Thus, I shant attempt that little feat.
On the bright side, I'm 9 pounds away from having a weight that no longer begins with a 2! I feel better, I look better, my blood pressure is down, I have more energy and day-to-day life is just a lot easier to handle. I no longer dread the thought of going to the grocery store because it makes me tired. Still hate grocery shopping but just because it's...grocery shopping. Next weekend, Kenz and I are going on a little trip (we're totally going to an NHL game!!!!!) and I'll have plenty of energy to tromp around the HP Pavilion in San Jose and climb the stairs to our 2nd-level seats with no problem. Our hotel is near the arena so we'll just walk on over!
So one thing I hear a lot is that eating healthy is WAY more expensive than eating junk. 'Tis true, chicken breasts and salmon are more expensive than hot dogs and fish sticks. But I've found that we are actually spending LESS on food than we were before. The first reason is that we don't eat out as much as we used to. We used to eat out 3-4 times a week (including our weekly after-church visit to Jimmy's...omg...I miss you, Jimmy's!!!). At $15-30 a meal, depending on the restaurant, that adds up FAST.
The second reason is that we simply eat less food! When we have steak for dinner we split one instead of each having one. No more hamburger helper in big batches tempting me to savor another bowl of it's deliciousness! We rarely have leftovers unless I cook some extra chicken for salads the next day. Other than that, we cook only the portions that we're going to eat. It cuts down on the temptation to overeat and also cuts down on waste.
The third reason is that there's stuff we just don't buy any more like calorie-laden drinks and snacks. No more boxes of ice cream or giant bags of chips. If we want a treat, we buy a Skinny Cow individual serving cup (140 calories) or some cheddar flavored Quaker mini-rice cakes that taste like fricken' Cheetos! (140 calories in 17 of those little suckers but who can eat 17???) That way, we can have a little treat without having a gigantic bag of something laying around to tempt us!
So ends my sage advice for the day. Now I have to work on another writing project: my challenge essay. I'm certain it will be riveting!
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