Wednesday, December 22, 2010


I've decided to enter the Gold's Gym Challnge this year.  I signed up and dropped some serious cash on a membership so I better be committed!  Met with a trainer today to go over some goals and learn the ropes.  He was really cool and friendly and didn't look at me like I had no business being there.  We laughed a lot, mostly from me joking about my fatness (because that's what we fat people do).  He forbade me from touching two of the machines ("if I see you on this machine I will hunt you down and kick your tail.") because of my bad back.  He also told me that he appreciated my honesty about my current physical state (as if it wasn't obvious!) and he thinks I can lose 50 pounds during the challenge.  That was my original goal, but I told him 40 because I didn't want to sound delusional.  Then he said 50.  And I thought "there you go, Shelley, underestimating yourself again!"  Good Lord, I am CAPABLE!!!!!  Sheesh!!!

I'm gonna start my official working out on Monday and I'm gonna sign up Kenz to join me at Gold's.  I think we'll  have tons (pun intended) of fun together and she's a great motivator! 

Anyhoo, I'm scared.  Scared of failure and REALLY scared of hurting my back again.  But even scarier is the thought of leaving this earth far too early because I didn't put down the damn fork and spent too much time on the couch.  That would be lame.  And you would miss me.


  1. yes, we would miss you like crazy! Thanks for doing this for US! I'm so impressed, Shel. Especially since I know how scary it is with a bad back to attempt anything that might land you in the hospital again. Maybe watching you will give the inspiration to overcome this fear myself! YOU'RE MY HERO!

  2. I love this post. I wish I had seen it as soon as you had posted it. I own Gold's Gym here and I am impressed with your recognition of the power in writing your intentions down! Can I help in any way? How is your back? How is your progress?

  3. Thanks, Blair! The back is doing great! I haven't had any problems. I'm progressing right along, slower than I wished but my expectations were pretty high. I decided to shoot for sustainable fitness (that sound familiar?) instead of being the Biggest Loser and risking putting the weight back on again!
